Thursday, 30 May 2013


Must admit to having an odd day, even by my every day journey's standard.

Was on the jubilee line on the tube today and the usual smell of BO first thing in the morning fills the carriage, the normality of people avoiding any contact with others as well as some trying to create space where there is none by trying to camp out on your ear.

Then I became aware of a man standing near me and out the corner of my eye I thought I recognised him. And there he was, feckin Lesley Chow! The funny crook from The Hangover......or someone who looked quite a bit like him.

It was on the tip of my tongue to approach him and shout 'Toodaloo, muthaf***ers!' but I thought better of it, especially as he looked like he was in a bit of a grump.

Great start to the day with that image in my head.

On the train back home, I got on the train early and sat in the quiet carriage. No reason why, just did. Now, on Chiltern line, the quiet carriage is not generally filled with silence Nazis and most people just treat it like a normal carriage but today, I met the Anal Disapprover. A girl nearby made a phone call and quietly, not OTT, had a conversation.

Well, The Anal Disapprover went into Daily Mail overdrive. On hearing someone had the temerity to make a noise in the quiet carriage, he jumped in his seat. Kept looking around at others in that way that the outraged do and then the tutting started.

The lass kept talking.

He then upped his campaign to recruit other outraged passengers and on failing to get a bite, he started shushing the girl, in a very low tone that really didn't get much attention.

The girl kept on her conversation, quietly and not causing as much of a fuss as the Anal Disapprover, who by this time had wet his seat in excitement. In fact, I think he may have spent himself as he had failed to get others to join in his outrage, he pretended to be engrossed in his book, which was upside down.

The girl finished her call in a minute and to my knowledge, no died or was injured but the train seat under the Anal Disapprover I'm betting was more than moist. I'm also willing to bet that he sits down to pee and gets very upset when the toilet seat is in the wrong position......

To cap it all off, one of the passengers fell asleep en route and on getting to the first stop, jumped up, grabbed his kit and got off the train as the doors opened. He then realised it wasn't his stop and got back on the train. Busy train, so he lost his seat too.

I can be a real shagwit, sometimes........

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